Category Archives: Business

Business Networking in Bedfordshire

Breakfast Networking in Bedford

Although there are several networking groups in the Bedford area not all of them work in the same way to build a business for their members.

To network effectively, you need to build relationships with your fellow business owners so that in the longer term you can share each other’s customer base with confidence.

One of the easiest ways to find new customers is to piggyback on the customer base of similar businesses to your own. This of course requires your business and theirs to be non competing.

If you network effectively you can build contacts and share your contact lists with them and in turn, theres with you. This can be a great way of building your business quickly and cost-effectively.

For example; a plumber and an electrician are not in competition with each other but they do share a similar client base. Perfect for each other to expand into.

Networking allows you to build relationships like these to strengthen your business and to enlarge your list of customers.

The added bonus of doing this is that your new customers find you via recommendation rather than through more traditional advertising. Recommendations lead to stronger, more loyal customers.

Some networking groups actively encourage these associations and relationships, while others either don’t understand their power or are not aware of their potential.

With regular weekly meetings, building these relationships is fast tracked, bringing rewards sooner.

Networking is a skill, and creating power associations within a networking group is a powerful way of turbocharging your lead generation process.