
Good Photography Sells Products

The age old adage that a picture tells a thousand words has never been truer than online and for selling online. If you don’t display your products clearly and beautifully with great photography then your sales will suffer as a result.

When people buy, they do so with their eyes and the reassurance of large, easy to zoom photos that allow potential customers to examine the detail of your products is a vital component of the selling process.

Many shoppers are put off by poor quality imagery. If they can’t see what they are looking for clearly then they will buy from a supplier who displays their goods in more detail.

An experienced commercial photographer will capture the detail of your goods and products, so you can display them beautifully online and your customers can examine them, their features, construction quality, etc.

Image Compression

Many webmasters assume that because images need to be compressed to load quickly online that poor quality images ‘will do’, but this is the wrong approach. If you begin with high quality images and then resize them, compress them etc. then you will have better quality images on your website which will then sell for you, but will still load quickly.

High resolution images don’t have to have large file sizes, while still being zoomable, you can have the best of both worlds with online photography, using different sizes of image, thumbnails, medium size and large size to load for different uses within your site, so each version of your product page will load quickly but still aloow access for visitors to explore your products.